Users must first decide if they are interested in Buying or Selling Options.

  1. Buyers

Buyers are users that want to hedge their risk against future price changes that may otherwise result in portfolio loses. They do this by buying Potions (options).

  1. Liquidity Providers (LPs)

LPs are users that want to earn yield on their assets. To do this they create and fund Liquidity Pools that sell Potions to Buyers.

Connecting Metamask

Potion Protocol uses Metamask to interact with the Ethereum blockchain, this includes reading data from the blockchain and sending transactions. Users must create a Metamask account before they can use the Potion dApp.


This will open your Metamask where you will be asked to approve the connection request. Once connected you will see your Metamask wallet address on the button.

You are now connected, and can interact with the Potion dApp. In the header you will be presented with two options:

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Buy Potions


<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Provide Liquidity
